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Kitapçik indirmek için buraya tıklayın

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarihini kutlarken, bu toprakların sadece 100 yıl değil, 1000'lerce yıl boyunca Atalarımızı taşıdığını hatırlıyoruz.
     Her gün etrafımıza bakıyoruz ve etrafımızdaki binalarda ve antik duvarlarda atalarımızı taşıyan toprakların fiziksel kanıtlarını görüyoruz.
    Ayna zamanda sahip olduğumuz dünya görüşünde, kültürümüzde, karar verme mekanizmamızda olduğu gibi toprağın atalarımızı nasıl daha soyut şekillerde taşıdığını da görüyoruz.  
     Topraklar atalarımızı iyi ve kötü yollarla, kazanılan zaferlerle ve yenilgiler, yaşanan travmaları veya sevinçlerle, güzel şekillerde ve çirkin şekillerde taşır. Ne olursa olsun, bunların her biri kolektif ve bireysel belliğimizde yer alan mirasımızdır.

As we celebrate the history of the Republic of Türkiye, we remember that this land carries our ancestors not only from the past 100 years, but for 1000s of years.
    Every day we look around us and see physical evidence of the land that bore our ancestors in the buildings and ancient walls around us.
    We also see how the land carries our ancestors in more abstract ways, as in our worldview, culture, and in our decision-making.
    The land carries our ancestors through good and bad ways, through victories and defeats, through traumas and joys, in beautiful ways and ugly ways. No matter what, each of these is our legacy in our collective and individual memory.

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The Istanbul International Arts Association is a group consisting of both Turkish and foreign artists living and working in Istanbul. We provide a context for artists, whether professional, amateur or enthusiast, to work on arts projects in the city and exhibit together. We support and encourage a wide range of artistic expressions including watercolour painting, oil painting, photography, traditional Islamic calligraphy and urban mural painting.



Working together internationally
As an international association we have connections with artists and creatives across the world. We work to encourage an appreciation of diversity and cross-cultural understanding. As an international hub, Istanbul is richly represented by many different cultures and ways of life. Our association is a context whereby this variety can be seen and experienced in its many artistic expressions.

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Working together in the community
We aim to have regular exhibitions in our arts centre for members and also work together to support arts in the community. In the past members have worked with local and international schools doing community arts projects and also with a refugee centre in the city. We want to see the artistic community serve the wider society and for the community to engage in and be enriched by the arts.

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Inspirational Creativity Support

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We are based in the historical neighbourhood of Balat, Fatih. If you are interested in joining, working , or exhibiting with us please email us on

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